Honeywell’s R466A a topic at Cool Talk meeting
9th January 2019
UK: Honeywell’s new lower GWP R410A replacement refrigerant R466A will be one of the topics for discussion at the next Cool Talk Breakfast Briefing on January 29.
Branded by Honeywell as Solstice N41, the eagerly anticipated non-flammable replacement for R410A in air conditioning systems, will be discussed, along with other interesting refrigerant developments, by Honeywell’s global business manager Robert Kebby.
Also on the subject of refrigerants, Mark Scott of TQ Environmental will provide an overview of refrigerant leak detection and fixed gas monitoring systems.
Rounding out the morning session, Rob Thomas of Martindale Electrical will present a tool box talk on safe electrical isolation.
Organised by the Institute of Refrigeration and the Hampshire Refrigeration Society, the event starts at 08.15 at the Waterlooville premises of refrigeration and air conditioning training provider Business Edge.
Everyone is welcome, but numbers are limited. Book your place here.