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Biden submits Kigali Amendment to US Senate

USA: The Biden administration has officially submitted the Kigali Amendment to phase down HFCs to the US Senate for ratification.

In a statement from the White House, yesterday, President Biden said: “The United States has sufficient domestic authority to implement obligations under the Kigali Amendment, including through the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020 (the “AIM Act”) and the Clean Air Act. The Environmental Protection Agency’s recent rulemakings under the AIM Act establish a domestic HFC allocation system and other provisions that would enable the United States to begin implementation of the provisions of the Kigali Amendment.”

Already ratified by 129 countries, the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol commits countries to cut the production and consumption of HFCs by more than 80% over the next 30 years. 

“I recommend that the Senate give favorable consideration to the Kigali Amendment and give its advice and consent to ratification at the earliest date,” Biden says.

The White House statement points out that the Kigali Amendment has strong support from US businesses and non-governmental organisations. US ratification, it says, “would advance its interests in remaining a leader in the development and deployment of HFC alternatives”, ensure access to “rapidly growing” overseas refrigeration and cooling markets and stimulate US investment, exports, and job growth.

“Ratification will also ensure the United States continues to have a full voice to represent US economic and environmental interests as implementation of the Kigali Amendment moves forward in coming years,” it says.

Related stories:

US finalises HFC phase down plans23 September 2021
USA: The Biden administration has today announced that the Environmental Protection Agency will release a new rule to phase down HFCs by 85% within the next 15 years. Read more…

US joins China in Kigali pledge – 18 April 2021
CHINA/USA: The US and China have both committed to implementing the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and phase down the production and consumption of HFCs. Read more…

Biden orders US ratification of Kigali – 27 January 2021
USA: US President Joe Biden has today issued an executive order seeking the US Senate’s consent to ratify the Kigali Amendment to phase down HFC refrigerants. Read more…

US groups celebrate HFC phasedown bill – 23 December 2020
USA: Industry and green groups have applauded the passage through Congress of a bill to phase down HFC refrigerants. Read more…

USA a step closer to HFC phase down – 12 September 2020
USA: The USA moved a step closer to implementing an HFC phase down following a Senate committee agreement on a revised amendment to the American Energy Innovation Act. Read more…

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