EC clears Secop takeover of ACC Austria
13th December 2013GERMANY: The Secop Group’s takeover of hermetic compressor manufacturer ACC Austria has passed EC regulatory controls and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
Secop, the former Danfoss Household Compressor business and a subsidiary of the Munich-based industrial holding Aurelius first anounced the acquisition in April.
ACC Austria, a subsidiary of the Italian manufacturer currently in administraion, is a leading manufacturer of hermetic compressors for refrigerators and freezers with around 700 employees and sales of €150m in 2012.
The legal transfer of the business is planned for December 31, the business in Fürstenfeld scheduled to start operations on January 7.
“Secop plans to become one of the leading independent manufacturers for hermetic refrigeration compressors,” claims Secop Group ceo Mogens Søholm. “Together we are now the largest independent compressor manufacturer in Europe with a world-leading innovative strength.”
Secop manufactures hermetic compressors for refrigerators and freezers, light commercial applications and mobile applications. Secop’s headquarters with its R&D and Sales department and support functions is situated in Flensburg, Germany. Its production facilities are located in China and Slovakia as well as a component manufacturing site in Slovenia.