G7 backs HFC alternatives
7th June 2014BRUSSELS: Leaders at the G7 Summit have promised to push for a phase-down of HFCs and to promote the public procurement of HFC alternatives.
Backing calls for concrete action to reduce emissions at the Climate Summit in September, the G7 leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and USA, pledged to promote the use of renewable energies, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage.
Parties to the Summit agreed that urgent and concrete action was needed to address climate change and limit the increase in global temperature to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
The group also called for a new legally-binding agreement. “We affirm our strong determination to adopt in 2015 a global agreement – a new protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the convention applicable to all parties – that is ambitious, inclusive and reflects changing global circumstances,” it was said in a closing statement.
The G7 leaders also pledged to work together to promote the phase down of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol. “We will also continue to take action to promote the rapid deployment of climate-friendly and safe alternatives in motor vehicle air-conditioning and we will promote public procurement of climate-friendly HFC alternatives” they said.