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UMC code change: important steps remain

USA: The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) has denied claims that a recent vote might block the move to lower flammability A2L refrigerants in the USA.

Last week, CLASP, the Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program, claimed that changes to the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), due to be voted on by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), did not align with international standards and building codes used in about 80% of the US market and was set to vote against the wishes of its members. 

In response, IAPMO says that CLASP’s statement is not accurate because the process in development of the 2024 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) is not complete and two important steps remain.

“IAPMO follows the gold standard for code development, which adheres to the consensus requirements prescribed by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI),” IAPMO explained. “The ANSI process includes continuous checks and balances to ensure no segment of the industry can dominate code revisions.”

It further explained that in the voting process, the IAPMO council takes into account all that transpired over the three-year process, including two votes of the technical committee, the membership recommendation, and the information provided during testimony at hearings, among other things.  

“All of this is considered when coming to its decision. Following that decision, interested parties have the opportunity to petition the board of directors,” the association said.

Related stories:

Code change could disrupt US move to A2L refrigerants – 16 November 2022
USA: A leading energy and environmental body has warned that a proposed amendment to local US building codes could disrupt the move to lower flammability A2L refrigerants in the USA. Read more…

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