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Low GWP gas to be added to safety standard

ASHRAE-1336mzzUSA: The new foam blowing agent 1336mzz(Z), a low GWP HFO, is to be added to the ANSI/ASHRAE designation and safety standard 34-2013.

The proposed addendum is now out for public review, placing 1336mzz(Z) as a non-flammable, non-toxic, A1 gas.

The proposed addendum can be viewed and downloaded here.

The gas received SNAP approval in October for use as a blowing agent for rigid polyurethane foam insulation but it is also being considered as a replacement for R123 in centrifugal chillers and as a working fluid in high temperature heat pumps and organic rankine cycles.

Originally developed by DuPont as DR-2, and now marketed as Formacel 1100, HFO1336mzz(Z) is estimated to be of similar efficiency to R123 in chiller applications but has a volumetric cooling capacity 21% lower. Although not a drop-in replacement for existing R123 chillers, HFO1336mzz could be considered as an alternative along with R134a, R1234yf, and another DuPont refrigerant DR-11 (a blend of R134a and R1234yf). The COP of HFO1336mzz is said to be 4.6% higher than R134a, 7.2% higher than DR-11 and 9.5% higher than R1234yf.

Related stories:

HFO foam-blower receives SNAP approval – October 22, 2014
USA: The new foam blowing agent HFO1336mzz has received SNAP approval by the US EPA for use with rigid polyurethane foam insulation. Read more…

DuPont’s new HFO could replace R123 – April 22, 2014
USA: DuPont has announced it is to start small scale production of a new low GWP HFO for the foam industry which could ultimately also have applications as a refrigerant. Read more…

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