Carrier monobloc heat pump on R32
14th January 2025
UK: Carrier Solutions UK announces the launch of the Aquasnap 30AWH-M, an R32 air-to-water residential/small commercial monobloc heat pump.
The 30AWH-M is said to be compatible with various low to medium-temperature emitters, including underfloor heating, fan coil units, radiators and mixed installation in new and existing installations.
It is offered in 10 models, with capacities ranging from 4kW to 16kW, and all featuring DC twin-rotary compressors. Up to six units can be linked in a cascaded system.
Leaving water temperature is up to 65°C, with Carrier claiming efficient operation even at -15°C outside air temperature. It carries an energy class A+++ rating at 35°C and A++ at 55°C.
The DC inverter twin-rotary compressor, which minimises vibrations, and variable-speed fans with a patented blade design to optimise air distribution while significantly reducing noise levels, enables the unit to achieve sound pressures levels down to 47dB(A).